H.B. 1434 2007 Vetoed Bills and Messages
(a) Subject to § 5-402 of this title, an individual who has filed a certificate of
candidacy may withdraw the candidacy by filing a certificate of withdrawal on the
form prescribed by the State Board within 10 days after the filing date established
under § 5-303 of this title.
(b) [An individual who has filed a certificate of candidacy and a petition in
accordance with § 8-502(d) of this article, or a candidate for delegate to the
Democratic National Convention subject to § 5-303(a)(2) of this title, may withdraw
the candidacy by filing a certificate of withdrawal on the form prescribed by the State
Board within 4 days after the filing date established under § 5-303 of this title.
(c)] An individual who has filed a certificate of candidacy for the special
election to fill a vacancy for Representative in Congress may withdraw the certificate
on the prescribed form within 2 days after the filing date established in the
proclamation issued by the Governor.
(a) (1) There shall be a statewide primary election in every
even-numbered year.
(2) A primary election shall be held:
(i) in the year in which the Governor is elected, on the second
Tuesday after the first Monday in September; and
(ii) in the year in which the President of the United States is
elected, on the [first] SECOND Tuesday in [March] FEBRUARY.
(b) In Baltimore City, there shall be a primary election for municipal offices
on the second Tuesday following the first Monday in September in the year following
the election of the Governor.
(a) Delegates and alternate delegates to the national presidential
nominating convention of a political party shall be selected as provided in the national
party rules of the party.
(b) The State central committee of each political party shall certify to the
State Board, not later than [January 1 in the year of the election] OCTOBER 1 IN THE
(1) the number of delegates and alternate delegates to be selected in
the State and the mode or modes of selection: and
(2) in the case of a principal political party:
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