S.B. 66
Martin O'Malley, Governor
B. may require or allow an investor-owned electric
company to procure electricity for these customers directly from an electricity supplier
through one or more bilateral contracts outside the competitive process.
2. A. As the Commission directs, the competitive
process shall include a series of competitive wholesale bids in which the
investor-owned electric company solicits bids to supply anticipated standard offer
service load for residential and small commercial customers as part of a portfolio of
blended wholesale supply contracts of short, medium, or long terms, and other
appropriate electricity products and strategies, as needed to meet demand in a
cost-effective manner.
B. The competitive process may include different bidding
structures and mechanisms for base load, peak load, and very short-term
C. By regulation or order, as a part of the competitive
process, the Commission shall require or allow the procurement of cost-effective
energy efficiency and conservation measures and services with projected and verifiable
energy savings to offset anticipated demand to be served by standard offer service, and
the imposition of other cost-effective demand-side management programs.
3. A. In order to prevent an excessive amount of load
being exposed to upward price risks and volatility, the Commission may stagger the
dates for the competitive wholesale auctions.
B. By regulation or order, the Commission may allow a
date on which a competitive wholesale auction takes place to be altered based on
current market conditions.
4. By regulation or order, the Commission may allow an
investor-owned electric company to refuse to accept some or all of the bids made in a
competitive wholesale auction in accordance with standards adopted by the
5. The investor-owned electric company shall publicly
disclose the names of all bidders and the names and load allocation of all successful
bidders 90 days after all contracts for supply are executed.
(5) An electric company may procure the electricity needed to meet its
standard offer service electricity supply obligation from any electricity supplier,
including an affiliate of the electric company.
(6) In order to meet long-term, anticipated demand in the State for
standard offer service and other electricity supply, the Commission may require or
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