S.B. 58 2007 Vetoed Bills and Messages
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards shall receive a stipend from the
State in an amount equal to the county grant for national certification, up to a
maximum of $2,000 per qualified individual.
(a) There is a Study Commission to Explore the Expanded Application of
State Stipends for National Certification of Teachers under § 6-306(b)(2) of the
Education Article.
(b) The Study Commission consists of the following members:
(1) one member of the Senate of Maryland, appointed by the President
of the Senate;
(2) one member of the House of Delegates, appointed by the Speaker of
the House;
(3) the State Superintendent of Schools, or the Superintendent's
designee; and
(4) the following members, appointed by the Governor:
(i) one individual who holds a certificate issued by the National
Board for Professional Teaching Standards;
(ii) one representative of the National Board for Professional
Teaching Standards;
(iii) two local superintendents;
(iv) two representatives of local school systems that employ
individuals who hold a certificate issued by the National Board for Professional
Teaching Standards;
(v) one representative from a private Maryland university that
has a program of teacher education; and
(vi) one representative from a public Maryland university that
has a program of teacher education.
(c) The Governor shall designate the chair of the Study Commission.
(d) The State Department of Education shall provide staff for the Study
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