Martin O'Malley, Governor
Bill No. Subject Page
HB 789 Banking Institutions - Deceptive Use of Names, Trade Names,
Trademarks, Service Marks, Logos, or Taglines - Penalties................... 4754
HB 791 Queen Anne's County - State's Attorney - Salary................................... 4757
HB 879 Forensic Laboratories - Standards and Oversight................................... 4760
HB 988 State Board of Dental Examiners - Program Evaluation and Licensee
Protection................................................................................................. 4783
HB 990 Frederick County - Employees' Pension System - Alternate
Contributory Pension Selection............................................................... 4798
HB991 Baltimore City - Hotel Room Tax - Convention Center Promotion........ 4801
HB 992 Criminal Procedure - Drug-Related Offenses - Parole Eligibility for
Second Offenders..................................................................................... 4803
HB 1091 Frederick County Board of Elections - Salary Increase.......................... 4816
HB 1093 Charles County - Boys and Girls Clubs of Southern Maryland Loan of
2001.......................................................................................................... 4818
HB 1106 Homeowner's Insurance - Insurance Producers - Notice of Coverage
for Flood Loss - Statement of Additional Optional Coverage................. 4821
HB 1133 Delmarva Advisory Council - Repeal...................................................... 4824
HB 1239 Prince George's County-Board of Education PG 433-07..................... 4826
HB 1247 Postretirement Health Benefits Trust Fund - Clarification...................... 4843
HB 1356 Vehicle Laws - Motor Vehicle and Bicycle Racing Events - Approval.. 4851
HB 1365 Town of Brookview (Dorchester County) - Urban Renewal Authority
for Slum Clearance................................................................................... 4854
HB 1366 Town of Galestown (Dorchester County) - Urban Renewal Authority
for Slum Clearance................................................................................... 4869
HB 1412 State Government - Maryland Veterans Commission - Membership...... 4885
HB 1434 Election Law - Presidential Primary Election Date................................. 4888