Martin O'Malley, Governor
J.R. 2
WHEREAS, Maryland citizens trafficked in human flesh until the adoption of
the Constitution of 1864; and
WHEREAS, Slavery subjected its victims to unspeakable cruelties, including
beatings, rape, and the forcible separation of family members from one another; and
WHEREAS, A native of Maryland, nurtured by the slave culture of our State,
wrote the Supreme Court's Dred Scott decision declaring African Americans incapable
of citizenship because they had "no rights which the white man was bound to respect";
WHEREAS, Slavery fostered a climate of oppression not only for slaves and
their descendants but also for people of color who moved to Maryland subsequent to
slavery's abolition; and
WHEREAS, Slavery's legacy has afflicted the citizens of our State down to the
present; and
WHEREAS, Slavery and discrimination are utterly contrary to the principles
that this Nation and this State profess; and
WHEREAS, It is time for the State of Maryland to acknowledge the role the
State played in maintaining the institution of slavery and its attendant evils; now,
therefore, be it
of Maryland expresses profound regret for the role that Maryland played in instituting
and maintaining slavery and for the discrimination that was slavery's legacy; and be it
RESOLVED, That the State of Maryland commits itself to the formation of a
more perfect union among its citizens regardless of color, creed, or race; and be it
RESOLVED, That the State of Maryland recommits itself to the principle that
all people are equal and equally endowed with inalienable rights to life, liberty, and
the pursuit of happiness. "are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator
with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of
Signed by the President and the Speaker, May 8, 2007.
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