Martin O'Malley, Governor Ch. 652
(j) The State Superintendent shall advise the Governor and the General
Assembly concerning the distribution of State funds to a county that fails to make
progress toward improving student achievement and meeting State performance
standards in each segment of the student population.
(k) The State Board may withhold State funds from a county board if:
(1) A school system fails to demonstrate annual progress toward
improving student achievement and meeting State performance standards in each
segment of the student population; and
(2) Fails to develop a plan OR UPDATE that meets the requirements of
subsections (b) through (g) of this section or take any action required by the State
Superintendent under this section.
(l) (K) (1) The State Superintendent shall review academic intervention
programs and behavior modification programs to identify best practices.
(2) The State Superintendent shall periodically report on the best
practices to the State Board, the county boards, the Governor, and, subject to § 2-1246
of the State Government Article, the General Assembly.
(m) (L) (1) Subject to paragraph (2) of this subsection, the Department shall
adopt regulations as necessary to implement this section.
(2) The Department shall consult with county superintendents and
county boards before promulgating proposed regulations to implement this section.
(n) (M) The Department may provide technical assistance to county boards in
developing and implementing a plan.
(e) (N) The Governor shall include an appropriation for the Department in the
State budget for each fiscal year in amount sufficient to cover the costs associated with
implementing this section.
(a) (1) Subject to paragraph (2) of this subsection, the Department shall
evaluate the effect of increased State aid for education on student and school
performance in each local school system.
(2) The Department mav contract with a public or private entity to
conduct or assist in conducting the evaluation required by this subsection.
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