Ch. 652
Martin O'Malley, Governor
(7) The impact of the proposed goals, objectives, and implementation
strategies on public school facilities and capital improvements that may be needed to
implement the plan OR UPDATE; and
(8) Any other information required by the State Superintendent.
(d) The plan OR UPDATE shall include goals, objectives, and strategies
regarding the performance of:
(1) Students requiring special education, as defined in § 5-209 of this
this title;
(2) Students with limited-English proficiency, as defined in § 5-208 of
(3) Prekindergarten students;
(4) Kindergarten students;
(5) Gifted and talented students, as defined in § 8-201 of this article;
(6) Students enrolled in career and technology courses;
(7) Students fading to meet, or failing to make progress toward
meeting, State performance standards, including any segment of the student
population that is, on average, performing at a lower achievement level than the
student population as a whole; and
(8) Any other segment of the student population identified by the
State Superintendent.
(e) With regard to subsection (d)(7) of this section, the plan OR UPDATE
shall include strategies to address any disparities in achievement identified for any
segment of the student population.
(f) (1) (i) The State Superintendent shall review each plan OR
UPDATE to determine whether the plan OR UPDATE complies with the requirements
of subsections (b) through (e) of this section.
(ii) If the State Superintendent determines that a plan OR
UPDATE does not comply with the requirements of subsections (b) through (e) of this
section, the State Superintendent may require specific revisions to the plan OR
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