Martin O'Malley, Governor Ch. 645
(d) An eligible organization may not use or operate a slot machine unless:
(1) the slot machine is equipped with a tamperproof meter or counter
that accurately records gross receipts; and
(2) the eligible organization keeps an accurate record of the gross
receipts and payoffs of the slot machine.
(e) (1) Before an eligible organization may operate a slot machine under
this section, the eligible organization shall obtain a license for the slot machine from
the sheriff of the county in which the eligible organization plans to locate the slot
(2) (i) The county shall:
1. charge an annual fee of $50 for each license for a
machine; and
2. issue a license sticker to the applicant.
(ii) The applicant shall place the sticker on the slot machine.
(iii) The proceeds of the annual fee shall be transferred to the
general fund of the county.
(3) In the application to the sheriff for a license, one of the principal
officers of the eligible organization shall certify under affidavit that the organization:
(i) is an eligible organization; and
(ii) will comply with this section.
(f) (1) A principal officer of the eligible organization may not intentionally
misrepresent a statement of fact on the application.
(2) A person who violates this subsection is guilty of perjury and on
conviction is subject to the penalty provided under Title 9, Subtitle 1 of this article.
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take effect
October 1, 2007.
Approved by the Governor, May 17, 2007.
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