Ch. 644
2007 Laws of Maryland
(ii) The foster care recipient is enrolled as a candidate for an
associate's degree or a bachelor's degree; and
(iii) The foster care recipient has filed for federal and State
financial aid by March 1 each year.
(2) If a foster care recipient receives a scholarship or grant for
postsecondary study and is enrolled before the recipient's 21st birthday as a candidate
for an associate's degree or bachelor's degree at a public institution of higher
education, the foster care recipient may not be required to pay the difference between
the amount of the scholarship or grant and the amount of the tuition.
(3) A foster care recipient who is exempt from tuition under this
section continues to be exempt until the earlier of:
(i) 5 years after first enrolling as a candidate for an associate's
degree or a bachelor's degree at a public institution of higher education in the State; or
(ii) The date that the foster care recipient is awarded a
bachelor's degree.
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 2007.
Approved by the Governor, May 17, 2007.
(House Bill 1310)
AN ACT concerning
Criminal Law - Slot Machines - Eligible Organizations
FOR the purpose of altering the definition of "eligible organization" to make it
applicable to certain organizations with a certain affiliation and located in
certain counties for a certain number of years before the organization applies for
a license to own or operate slot machines; and generally relating to slot machine
ownership and operation by eligible organizations.
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
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