2007 Laws of Maryland
Ch. 632
(As enacted by Chapter 594 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 2005)
MARYLAND, That the Laws of Maryland read as follows:
Article 17 - Prince George's County
(e) (1) Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection, revenue
collected under the public safety surcharge shall be distributed by the governing body
of Prince George's County to police, fire, and emergency medical services in the county.
(2) [(A)] At least [12%] 50% 25% of the revenue collected from a
surcharge imposed on construction that is located in a municipal corporation that
maintains a police department shall be distributed to that municipal corporation's
police department.
[(B) The revenue collected from a surcharge imposed on
construction that is located in the City of Laurel shall be distributed as follows:
(i) 50% to Prince George's County fire and rescue
services; and
(ii) 50% to the Laurel Police Department for the
construction or rehabilitation of public safety facilities or the purchase of equipment or
communications devices used in connection with law enforcement.]
(3) Revenue collected under this section may be used only for:
(A) The construction or rehabilitation of public safety facilities;
(B) The purchase of equipment or communications devices used
in connection with law enforcement, fire fighting, or emergency services activities,
including protective body armor, surveillance devices, weapons, ladder trucks,
ambulances, police cruisers, and rescue vehicles.
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take effect
October 1, 2007 July 1, 2008.
Approved by the Governor, May 17, 2007.
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