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Session Laws, 2007
Volume 803, Page 3444   View pdf image
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2007 Laws of Maryland
Ch. 530
[(k) "Office" means the Office of the Executive Director of the Maryland
Human Relations Commission or the Executive Director's designee.] [(l)](M) "Party" means: (1) the person who has filed a complaint under this title; (2) the respondent business entity that has been alleged to have
violated this title; and (3) the [office] COMMISSION that is responsible for investigating the
complaint and rendering the initial findings. [(m)] (N) "Retaliate" means to take any action that has a material negative
effect against any person, business or other entity for reporting any incident of
discrimination, testifying as a witness at a hearing, or providing requested assistance
to [the Office] COMMISSION STAFF in any investigation of an incident of
discrimination under this title. [(n)] (O) "Services" includes construction, real estate development,
financial, insurance, professional, and other services. [(o)] (P) "State subcontract" means an agreement for the provision of goods
or the performance of a particular portion of work to be performed under a contract
with the State, where: (1) the party providing the goods or services is on reasonable notice
that the work is to be performed under a State contract; and (2) the amount to be paid for such [service] GOODS AND SERVICES is
material with respect to the overall amount of the contract. [(p)] (Q) "State subcontractor" means the party providing goods or services
under a State subcontract. 19-106. (a) Any person may file an administrative complaint with the Commission
within the limitations period set forth in § 19-101(c) of this title stating facts showing
or tending to show that a business entity has within the preceding 4-year period
engaged in discrimination or retaliation [against that person] in violation of this title. (b) Within 10 business days, the Commission shall notify the business entity
against whom the complaint was filed that a complaint has been received.
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Session Laws, 2007
Volume 803, Page 3444   View pdf image
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