2007 Laws of Maryland
Ch. 497
certain performance standard and the manufacturer has filed a certain
certification with the Comptroller; establishing a certain performance standard
for cigarettes; requiring that testing of cigarettes be conducted in a certain
manner; requiring laboratories that conduct testing to have certain current
certification and implement a certain quality control and quality assurance
program; providing for an alternative test method and performance standard
under certain circumstances; providing that additional testing is not required
under this Act of cigarettes that are tested in a certain manner for other
purposes; requiring manufacturers to retain all data from testing for a certain
period of time and provide certain data to the Comptroller, State Fire
Prevention Commission, or the Attorney General; providing for a civil penalty if
certain data is not provided within a certain period of time; requiring that a
certain subtitle be implemented in accordance with the implementation and
substance of the fire safety standards of a certain state; requiring
manufacturers to submit to the Comptroller a certain written certification that
a cigarette has been tested and has met the performance standard; requiring
recertification of cigarettes after a certain period of time; requiring
manufacturers to retest certain altered cigarettes; requiring manufacturers to
mark in a certain manner cigarettes that have been certified; requiring
manufacturers to request approval of a proposed marking from the Comptroller;
requiring manufacturers to provide certain wholesalers with copies of
certifications and illustrations of certain markings; requiring wholesalers to
provide certain retailers, subwholesalers, and vending machine operators with
copies of certain illustrations; requiring retailers, subwholesalers, vending
machine operators, and wholesalers to allow the Comptroller or designee to
make certain inspections; providing that cigarettes sold or offered for sale in the
State that do not comply with a certain standard are deemed contraband;
authorizing the Comptroller to adopt certain regulations and establish certain
fees; establishing certain civil penalties for certain violations of this Act;
authorizing the Attorney General to enjoin acts in violation of this Act and to
recover certain civil penalties; requiring that certain money collected from
certain civil penalties be distributed to a certain fund; authorizing police officers
and authorized personnel to seize and destroy certain cigarettes; requiring that
certain holders of the trademark rights of certain cigarettes be provided the
opportunity to inspect certain seized cigarettes prior to destruction; altering the
composition of a certain fund; providing that this Act does not prohibit retailers,
subwholesalers, vending machine operators, and wholesalers from selling
existing inventory if certain tax stamps were affixed to the cigarettes before a
certain date under certain circumstances; providing for the construction of this
Act; providing that this Act preempts certain local laws, ordinances, or
regulations; prohibiting local governmental units from enacting and enforcing
certain ordinances, local laws, or regulations; requiring the Comptroller to
monitor certain federal actions and notify the Department of Legislative
Services of the adoption of a certain federal standard; defining certain terms;
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