Ch. 494
2007 Laws of Maryland
Jessica's Law - Sexual Offenses - Parole Eligibility and Mandatory Minimum
FOR the purpose of providing that persons who are convicted of certain sexual offenses
are not eligible for parole during certain mandatory minimum sentences;
prohibiting a certain person from engaging in certain sexual contact with a child
who is under a certain age; establishing a certain penalty, prohibiting a court
from suspending any part of a sentence for a certain sexual offense committed
against a child under a certain age; requiring the State to provide a certain
notification if the State intends to seek a certain sentence under certain
circumstances; creating a certain exception; and generally relating to sexual
offenses involving children.
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Article - Criminal Law
Section 3-303 through 3-307 3-306
Annotated Code of Maryland
(2002 Volume and 2006 Supplement)
MARYLAND, That the Laws of Maryland read as follows:
Article - Criminal Law
(a) A person may not:
(1) engage in vaginal intercourse with another by force, or the threat
of force, without the consent of the other; and
(2) (i) employ or display a dangerous weapon, or a physical object
that the victim reasonably believes is a dangerous weapon;
(ii) suffocate, strangle, disfigure, or inflict serious physical
injury on the victim or another in the course of committing the crime;
(iii) threaten, or place the victim in fear, that the victim, or an
individual known to the victim, imminently will be subject to death, suffocation,
strangulation, disfigurement, serious physical injury, or kidnapping;
(iv) commit the crime while aided and abetted by another; or
(v) commit the crime in connection with a burglary in the first,
second, or third degree.
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