Martin O'Malley, Governor
Ch. 488
proceeds of a loan under this Act shall submit evidence satisfactory to the Board that
none of the proceeds of the loan or any matching funds has been or is being used for
a purpose prohibited by this Act.
SECTION 11. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, the Comptroller may
advance funds to any loan funds account established pursuant to a general obligation
bond loan enabling Act, for any expenditure authorized by that Act, provided that if
general obligation bonds have not been issued under the authority of that Act, the
next ensuing sale of general obligation bonds shall include the issuance of bonds
under the authority of that Act in an amount at least equivalent to the amount of the
funds so advanced.
(1) The Board of Public Works may borrow money and incur indebtedness on
behalf of the State of Maryland through a State loan to be known as the Coppin State
University New Physical Education Complex Loan of 2008 in the total principal
amount of $20,000,000 $30,000,000, and on behalf of the State of Maryland through a
State loan to be known as the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services
Maryland Correctional Training Center 192-Cell Medium Security Housing Unit and
Support Space Loan of 2008 in the total principal amount of $7,637,000, on behalf of
the State of Maryland through a State loan to be known as the Department of Health
and Mental Hygiene Laboratories Administration New Public Health Laboratory
Loan of 2008 in the total principal amount of $7,800,000, and on behalf of the State of
Maryland through a State loan to be known as the Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene Clifton T. Perkins Hospital Center New Maximum Security Wing Loan of
2008 in the total principal amount of $5,000,000. These loans shall be evidenced by
the issuance, sale, and delivery of State general obligation bonds authorized by a
resolution of the Board of Public Works and issued, sold, and delivered in accordance
with §§ 8-117 through 8-124 of the State Finance and Procurement Article and
Article 31, § 22 of the Code.
(2) The bonds to evidence these loans or installments of these loans may be
sold as a single issue or may be consolidated and sold as part of a single issue of bonds
under § 8-122 of the State Finance and Procurement Article.
(3) The cash proceeds of the sale of the bonds shall be paid to the Treasurer
and first shall be applied to the payment of the expenses of issuing, selling, and
delivering the bonds, unless funds for this purpose are otherwise provided, and then
shall be credited on the books of the Comptroller and expended, on approval by the
Board of Public Works, for the following public purposes, including any applicable
architects' and engineers' fees:
(Baltimore City)
(A) New Physical Education Complex. Provide funds for the
construction of a new Physical Education Complex, including
outdoor athletic fields and Facilities Maintenance and Public
Safety Spaces Space........................................................................ 20,000,000
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