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Session Laws, 2007
Volume 803, Page 3152   View pdf image
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Ch. 488
2007 Laws of Maryland
including a timeline and detailed cost estimates for
closure and demolition;
(2) the identified impact that closing MHC would have on
housing and managing the inmate population,
particularly addressing the impact on the other facilities
in the Division of Correction regarding bed space,
operating capacity, mixing of security levels, etc.;
(3) the impact to correctional officers currently employed at
MHC; and
(4) a detailed plan for replacing the beds lost by closing
MHC, including a list of potential sites for the
replacement facility, the cost of building a new facility,
and a timeline for replacement.
Provided that the Department of Public Safety and Correctional
Services shall submit a report to the General Assembly no later
than October 1, 2007, addressing the closure, demolition, and
replacement of the Maryland House of Correction (MHC). At a
minimum, the report shall:
(1) identify how many inmates were transferred to each
facility, out of state, or to a federal prison, in addition to
identifying all costs associated with closing the facility;
(2) identify what, if any, areas at the facility will remain
open (e.g. medical unit, Maryland Correctional
Enterprises shops, etc.) and all associated operating
(3) identify the impact on housing and managing the inmate
population, particularly addressing the impact on the
other facilities in the Division of Correction regarding bed
space, operating capacity and increased costs, mixing of
security levels, etc.;
(4) identify the impact to correctional officers formerly
employed at MHC and the impact on staffing throughout
the State; and
(5) provide a detailed plan for replacing the beds lost by
closing MHC, including a list of potential sites for the
replacement facility, the cost of demolition of MHC and of
building a new facility, and a timeline for replacement.
Further provided that the budget committees shall have 45 days
to review and comment on this report.
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Session Laws, 2007
Volume 803, Page 3152   View pdf image
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