Martin O'Malley, Governor Ch. 487
Federal 44,000
SECTION 25. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That all across-the-board
reductions applied to the Executive Branch, unless otherwise stated, shall apply to
current unrestricted and general funds in the University System of Maryland, St.
Mary's College of Maryland, Morgan State University, and Baltimore City
Community College.
SECTION 26. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED. That the Comptroller of the
Treasury's General Accounting Division shall establish a subsidiary ledger control
account to debit all State agency funds budgeted under subobject 0175 (workers'
compensation coverage) and to credit all payments disbursed to the Injured Workers'
Insurance Fund (IWIF) via transmittal. The control account shall also record all
funds withdrawn, from IWIF and returned to the State and subsequently transferred
to the general fund. IWIF shall submit monthly reports to the Department of
Legislative Services concerning the status of the account.
SECTION 27. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That executive budget books
shall include a summary statement of federal revenues by major federal program
source supporting the federal appropriations made therein along with the major
assumptions underpinning the federal fund estimates. The Department of Budget
and Management (DBM) shall exercise due diligence in reporting this data and
ensure that they are undated as appropriate to reflect ongoing congressional action on
the federal budget. In addition. DBM shall provide to the Department of Legislative
Services (DLS) data for the actual, current, and budget years listing the components
of each federal fund appropriation by Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance
number or equivalent detail for programs not in the catalogue. Data shall be provided
in an electronic format subject to the concurrence of DLS.
SECTION 28. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That for fiscal 2009, capital
funds shall be budgeted in separate eight-digit programs. When multiple projects
and/or programs are budgeted within the same non-transportation eight-digit
program, each distinct program and project shall be budgeted in a distinct
subprogram. To the extent possible, subprograms for projects spanning multiple years
shall be retained to preserve funding history. Furthermore, the budget detail for fiscal
2007 and 2008 submitted with the fiscal 2009 budget shall be organized in the same
fashion to allow comparison between years.
SECTION 29. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That in the expenditure of
federal funds appropriated in this budget or subsequent to the enactment of this
budget by the budget amendment process:
(1) State agencies shall administer these federal funds in a manner that
recognizes that federal funds are taxpayer dollars that require prudent fiscal
management, careful application to the purposes for which they are directed, and
strict attention to budgetary and accounting procedures established for the
administration of all public funds.
(2) For fiscal 2008. except with respect to capital appropriations, to the extent
consistent with federal requirements:
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