Martin O'Malley, Governor
Ch. 443
(1) the number of individuals in each local school system that the
Board of Trustees and the State Department of Education agree were rehired and did
not satisfy the criteria provided in subsection (c)(4)(v) or (vi) and (5), (6), or (8) of this
section; and
(2) any reimbursements a local school system made under subsection
(c)(9)(iii) of this section.
(e) (5) (i) An individual who is rehired under paragraph (1)(iv) of this
subsection shall be employed as a classroom teacher, substitute classroom teacher, or
teacher mentor in a public school that:
1. is not making adequate yearly progress or is a school
in need of improvement as defined under the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
and as implemented by the State Department of Education;
2. is receiving funds under Title 1 of the federal No
Child Left Behind Act of 2001; or
3. provides an alternative education program for
adjudicated youths or students who have been expelled, suspended, or identified for
suspension or expulsion from a public school.
(ii) An individual rehired at a school described under
subparagraph (i) of this paragraph shall teach:
1. in an area of critical shortage;
2. a special education class for students with special needs; or
3. a class for students with limited English proficiency.
(a) In this section, "area of critical shortage" means an academic field
identified by the State Department of Education in accordance with the provisions of §
18-703(g)(1) of the Education Article as having projected employment vacancies that
substantially exceed projected qualified graduates.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (m) of this section, an individual who is
receiving a service retirement allowance or a vested allowance may accept
employment with a participating employer on a permanent, temporary, or contractual
basis, if:
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