2007 Laws of Maryland
Ch. 389
(ii) Each member of the Board shall receive an annual
compensation of [$4,000] $6,000; and
(iii) The Chairman and each member of the Board shall receive
any additional compensation that the County Council deems appropriate.
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, pursuant to Article III, §
35 of the Maryland Constitution, this Act may not be construed to extend or apply to
the salary or compensation of the Chairman or regular members in office on the
effective date of this Act, but the provisions of this Act concerning the salary or
compensation of the Chairman or regular members shall take effect at the beginning
of the next following term of office.
SECTION 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 2007.
Approved by the Governor, May 8, 2007.
(House Bill 299)
AN ACT concerning
Harford County - Alcoholic Beverages - Repeal of Obsolete and Unused
FOR the purpose of repealing certain alcoholic beverage provisions for Harford County
that are obsolete or no longer used; repealing certain provisions regarding a
Class B-4 (seafood restaurant) license, the distance required between a school
and a premises licensed for alcoholic beverages, the use of a neighborhood by
the Liquor Control Board as a factor in deciding whether to issue a license,
possession of alcoholic beverages brought on the premises of a racetrack in the
county, a certain requirement regarding alcoholic beverages inspectors, licenses
for racquet clubs and box lacrosse clubs, and the borrowing power of the Board
for the benefit of dispensaries; and generally relating to alcoholic beverages in
Harford County.
BY repealing
Article 2B - Alcoholic Beverages
Section 5-201(n)(6), 9-213(b)(4) and (7) and (g), 11-513(b)(2), and 12-213(d)(3)
Annotated Code of Maryland
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