2007 Laws of Maryland
Ch. 222
(3) The annual license fee for a 7 day license is [$192.50] $221.
(4) A person may not hold a license under the provisions of this
subsection upon any premises having any direct or indirect connection with any drug
or pharmaceutical, or other business establishments of a type commonly known as or
referred to as drugstore.
(a) (1) A Class B beer and light wine license shall be issued by the license
issuing authority of the county in which the place of business is located. The holder
may keep for sale and sell beer and light wines at retail at any hotel or restaurant, at
the place described in the license, for consumption on the premises or elsewhere.
(u) In Somerset County the annual license fee is [$220] $253.
(a) (1) Except as provided in subsection (n) of this section, a Class C beer
and light wine license shall be issued by the license issuing authority of the county in
which the place of business is located. The holder of the license may keep for sale and
sell beer and light wines at retail to bona fide members and their guests, at any club,
at the place described in the license, for consumption on the premises only.
(u) In Somerset County the annual license fee is [$38.50] $45.
5- 401.
(a) (1) A Class D beer and light wine license shall be issued by the license
issuing authority of the county in which the place of business is located. The license
authorizes its holder to keep for sale and to sell beer and light wines at retail, at the
place described in the license, for consumption on the premises or elsewhere. The
license may not be issued for any drugstore.
(u) In Somerset County the annual license fee is [$220] $253.
6- 201.
(a) (1) A Class B beer, wine and liquor license shall be issued by the
license issuing authority of the county in which the place of business is located, and
the license authorizes its holder to keep for sale and sell all alcoholic beverages at
retail at any hotel or restaurant at the place described, for consumption on the
premises or elsewhere, or as provided in this section.
(u) (1) This subsection applies only in Somerset County.
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