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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 843   View pdf image
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ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor                             Ch. 232

shall be credited on the books of the Comptroller and expended, on approval by the
Board of Public Works, for the following public purposes, including any applicable
architects' and engineers' fees: as a grant to the Board of Directors of Annapolis
Maritime Museum, Inc. and the City of Annapolis (referred to hereafter in this Act as
"the grantees") for the planning, design, repair, renovation, reconstruction, and
capital equipping of two buildings, located adjacent to each other at 723 Second Street
and 133 Bay Shore Drive in Annapolis, for use as a museum that will document,
preserve, and interpret the maritime history of the greater Annapolis area.

(4)     An annual State tax is imposed on all assessable property in the State in
rate and amount sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds, as and
when due and until paid in full. The principal shall be discharged within 15 years
after the date of issuance of the bonds.

(5)     Prior to the payment of any funds under the provisions of this Act for the
purposes set forth in Section 1(3) above, the City of Annapolis shall provide and
expend a matching fund. No part of the grantees' matching fund may be provided,
either directly or indirectly, from funds of the State, whether appropriated or
unappropriated. No part of the fund may consist of real property, in kind
contributions, or funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act. In case of any
dispute as to the amount of the matching fund or what money or assets may qualify
as matching funds, the Board of Public Works shall determine the matter and the
Board's decision is final. The grantees have until June 1, [2003] 2005, to present
evidence satisfactory to the Board of Public Works that a matching fund will be
provided. If satisfactory evidence is presented, the Board shall certify this fact and
the amount of the matching fund to the State Treasurer, and the proceeds of the loan
equal to the amount of the matching fund shall be expended for the purposes provided
in this Act. Any amount of the loan in excess of the amount of the matching fund
certified by the Board of Public Works shall be canceled and be of no further effect.

SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 2004.

Approved April 27, 2004.

(House Bill 1400)

AN ACT concerning

Historic Preservation Commission of Harford County - McComas Institute
and Hosanna School Loan of 1994

FOR the purpose of providing that the proceeds of the Historic Preservation
Commission of Harford County McComas Institute and Hosanna School Loan
of 1994 must be expended or encumbered by the Board of Public Works by June
1, 2005
amending Chapter 329 of the Acts of 1994 to require that the loan
proceeds be encumbered by the Board of Public Works or expended for certain

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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 843   View pdf image
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