ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor H.B. 1285
(15) the Superintendent of Baltimore City Schools, or the
Superintendent's designee;
(16) the Superintendent of Montgomery County Schools, or the
Superintendent's designee;
(17) (8) the Superintendent of Prince George's County Schools, or the
Superintendent's designee; and
(18) one representative of the Maryland Judiciary, appointed by the Chief
Judge of the Court of Appeals;
(19) (9) the following seven two members, appointed by the Secretary of
Juvenile Services:
(i) two representatives of faith leaders involved in youth violence
prevention activities;
(ii) two representatives of community organizations involved in
youth violence prevention activities;
(iii) one representative of the business community involved in youth
apprenticeship programs; and
(iv) two former gang members; and
(20) any four individuals, appointed by the co-chairs of the Task Force.
(c) The Secretary of Juvenile Services and the State's Attorney for Prince
George's County or their designees shall be co-chairs of the Task Force.
(d) The Office of the State's Attorney for Prince George's County shall provide
staff for the Task Force.
(e) A member of the Task Force:
(1) may not receive compensation; but
(2) is entitled to reimbursement for expenses under the Standard State
Travel Regulations, as provided in the State Budget.
(f) The Task Force shall:
(1) receive testimony from community members, police officers, teachers,
and other experts regarding their experience in fighting emerging gang activities;
(2) collect data illuminating trends in youth gang activity in Baltimore
City, Montgomery County, and Prince George's County;
(3) examine prosecution diversion programs and wrap-around services
available to youth offenders and their families and rate the success of those programs;
(4) perform a best practices examination of diversion programs and
wrap-around services available in other states and make recommendations for
implementation and funding in Maryland;
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