Volume 801, Page 2879 View pdf image |
ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor S.B. 785 (7) Provide in clear and understandable language, boldface type, and in (8) State the terms under which an agreement is canceled by the death (9) Provide in clear and understandable language, boldface type, and in (10) Provide that charges for care paid in advance in 1 lump sum only (11) State which funeral and burial services, if any, will be provided by the (12) Give a description of the living quarters; (13) State the conditions, if any, under which a unit may be assigned to (14) State the religious or charitable affiliations of the provider and the (15) State the subscriber's and provider's respective rights and obligations (16) State that the subscribers shall have the right to organize and (17) STATE THAT THERE IS AN INTERNAL GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE TO [(17)] (18) State what, if any, fee adjustments will be made in the event [(18)] (19) Specify the circumstances, if any, under which the subscriber [(19)] (20) State that the subscriber has received and reviewed the latest [(20)] (21) Provide that the facility will make available to the subscriber, - 2879 -
Volume 801, Page 2879 View pdf image |
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