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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 2795   View pdf image
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ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor                            S.B. 395

(2)     The parking brakes shall be capable of being applied in conformance
with the foregoing requirements by the driver's muscular effort or by spring action or
by equivalent means. Their operation may be assisted by the service brakes or other
source of power, provided that failure of the service brake actuation system or other
power assisting mechanism will not prevent the parking brakes from being applied in
conformance with the foregoing requirements.

(3)     The parking brakes shall be so designed that when once applied they
shall remain applied with the required effectiveness despite exhaustion of any source
of energy or leakage of any kind.

(4)     The same brake drums, brake shoes and lining assemblies, brake
shoe anchors and mechanical brake shoe actuation mechanism normally associated
with the wheel brake assemblies may be used for both the service brakes and the
parking brakes. If the means of applying the parking brakes and the service brakes
are connected in any way, they shall be so constructed that failure of any one part
does not leave the vehicle without operative brakes.

(d) Every vehicle shall be equipped with brakes acting on all wheels, except:

(1)     Trailers, semitrailers, or pole trailers of a registered gross weight not
exceeding 3,000 pounds, provided that:

(i) The total weight on and including the wheels of the trailer or
trailers does not exceed 40 percent of the gross weight of the towing vehicle when
connected to the trailer or trailers; and

(ii) The combination of vehicles, consisting of the towing vehicle
and its total towed load, is capable of complying with the performance requirements
of § 22-302 of this subtitle;

(2)     Trailers, semitrailers, or pole trailers of a registered gross weight
exceeding 3,000 pounds and not exceeding 10,000 pounds that:

(i) Have 2 or more axles;

(ii) Are equipped with brakes acting on all wheels of at least 1 axle;

(iii) As part of a combination of vehicles, consisting of the towing
vehicle and the total load, is capable of complying with the performance requirements
of § 22-302 of this subtitle;

(3)     Any vehicle being towed in driveaway or towaway operations,
provided that the combination of vehicles is capable of complying with the
performance requirements of § 22-302 of this subtitle;

(4)     Trucks, truck tractors, and special mobile equipment manufactured
before July 24, 1980 with three or more axles need not have brakes on the front
wheels. However, the trucks and truck tractors must be capable of complying with the
performance requirements of § 22-302 of this subtitle;

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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 2795   View pdf image
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