(House Bill 1139)
AN ACT concerning
Department of Juvenile Services and Department of Education -
Enhancement of Programs
FOR the purpose of establishing the Department of Juvenile Services Education
Department Program; requiring each facility established and operated by the
Department of Juvenile Services to have an education center; requiring each
education center to provide year round schooling; providing that each child in
the custody of the Department receive appropriate educational services;
providing that the Superintendent and Managing Director of Education in the
Department is responsible for the education of every child in the custody of the
Department; establishing the Department of Juvenile Services Board of
Education; providing for the appointment, terms, and removal of members of the
Board of Education; providing for the duties and responsibilities of the Board of
Education; requiring that each child in the custody of the Department be
assessed by the Education Department to determine the educational needs of
the child; requiring the Education Department to prepare a personal education
plan for each child; providing that the Education Department is responsible for
preparing, maintaining, and retaining the academic records for each child;
requiring the Board of Education to hire teachers and other school professional
staff subject to certain certification and requirements; requiring the Board of
Education to appoint all principals, teachers, and other certificated and
noncertificated personnel under certain circumstances; requiring the
Department to keep certain records; requiring a certain financially responsible
county to reimburse the Education Department a certain amount for each child
in the custody of the Department under certain circumstances; requiring the
State Board of Education to reimburse the Department for certain children
under certain circumstances; requiring the Department to submit an annual
report to the State Superintendent of Schools, the Governor, and the General
Assembly on the educational outcomes of each child in the custody of the
Department; requiring the State Superintendent of Schools to adopt certain
regulations; defining certain terms; requiring the Department of Juvenile
Services to cooperate with the State Department of Education to establish
certain programs; establishing a Juvenile Services Education Program in the
Department of Education; requiring the Department of Education to develop
and implement certain educational programs; requiring the Secretary, with the
concurrence of the State Superintendent, in consultation with the Secretary, to
appoint a director of the Juvenile Services Education Program; providing for the
salary and duties of the director; establishing the Coordinating Council for
Juvenile Services; providing for the membership, compensation, meetings, and
duties of the Council; requiring the Department of Juvenile Services to work
cooperatively with the State Department of Education for a certain purpose;
requiring the Secretary of Juvenile Services to adopt certain regulations;
requiring certain reports; requiring the director of the Juvenile Services
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