Ch. 37
Article I - Name, Findings, and Purpose
1.1 This compact shall be known and may be cited as the Jennings Randolph
Lake Project Compact.
1.2 The legislative bodies of the respective signatory parties, with the
concurrence of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, hereby find and declare:
1. The water resources and project lands of the Jennings Randolph
Lake Project are affected with local, state, regional, and national interest, and the
planning, conservation, utilization, protection and management of these resources,
under appropriate arrangements for inter-governmental cooperation, are public
purposes of the respective signatory parties.
2. The lands and waters of the Jennings Randolph Lake Project are
subject to the sovereign rights and responsibilities of the signatory parties, and it is
the purpose of this compact that, notwithstanding any boundary between Maryland
and West Virginia that preexisted the creation of Jennings Randolph Lake, the
parties will have and exercise concurrent jurisdiction over any lands and waters of
the Jennings Randolph Lake Project concerning natural resources, CRIMINAL, and
boating laws and regulations in the common interest of the people of the region.
Article II - District Responsibilities
The District, within the Jennings Randolph Lake Project,
2.1 Acknowledges that the Maryland DNR and West Virginia DNR have
authorities and responsibilities in the establishment, administration and
enforcement of the natural resources, CRIMINAL, and boating laws and regulations
applicable to this project, provided that the laws and regulations promulgated by the
States support and implement, where applicable, the intent of the Rules and
Regulations Governing Public Use of Water Resources Development Projects
administered by the Chief of Engineers in Title 36, Chapter III, Part 327, Code of
Federal Regulations,
2.2 Agrees to practice those forms of resource management as determined
jointly by the District, Maryland DNR and West Virginia DNR to be beneficial to
natural resources and which will enhance public recreational opportunities
compatible with other authorized purposes of the project,
2.3 Agrees to consult with the Maryland DNR and West Virginia DNR prior to
the issuance of any permits for activities or special events which would include, but
not necessarily be limited to: fishing tournaments, training exercises, regattas,
marine parades, placement of ski ramps, slalom water ski courses and the
establishment of private markers and/or lighting. All such permits issued by the
District will require the permittee to comply with all State laws and regulations,
2.4 Agrees to consult with the Maryland DNR and West Virginia DNR
regarding any recommendations for regulations affecting natural resources including,
but not limited to, hunting, trapping, fishing or boating at the Jennings Randolph
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