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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 1954   View pdf image
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On or before January 15, 2006, the Department of Juvenile Services shall provide
to the Senate Budget and Taxation, Senate Judicial Proceedings, House
Appropriations, and House Judiciary committees a Facilities Master Plan that is
consistent with programming that meets the following principles:

Ch. 432

wastewater collection system (St. Mary's
County)............................................................... 438,000

(5)    Sandy Point State Park. Construct
improvements to the water tower (Anne
Arundel County)................................................ 434,000

(6)    Jessup Correctional Complex. Construct
improvements to the water tower (Anne
Arundel County)................................................ 425,000



(1)    the safety of the community and the children
served is ensured, delinquent children are held
accountable to victims and communities, and
children develop competencies to assist them
in becoming successful members of society;

(2)    services are delivered regionally through at
least five operational regions;

(3)    State-owned and State-operated, and
State-owned and privately-operated detention
and committed facilities may not contain more
than 48 children;

(4)    detention and committed facilities shall be
geographically, physically, and operationally
separate, remote, and distinct from one
another and may not share common areas,
including administrative buildings, dining
halls, and medical, educational, and
recreational facilities; and

(5)    children awaiting a committed placement
after disposition may not be held in a facility
with children awaiting court disposition.

As part of its development of a Facilities Master Plan, on or before December 31,
2004, the department shall also deliver a report to the same committees on:

(1) the total population of youth the department
anticipates serving;

- 1954 -


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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 1954   View pdf image
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