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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 1952   View pdf image
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Ch. 432                                    2004 LAWS OF MARYLAND

component of the Maryland Economic Development Assistance
Authority Fund.

(A) Maryland Economic Development Assistance Authority and
Fund. Provide funds for grants and loans to local jurisdictions,
businesses, and MEDCO for economic development projects
within priority funding areas and eligible industry sectors. The
funds appropriated for this purpose shall be administered in
accordance with Article 83A, Sections 5-1401 through 5-1411,
provided that $5,000,000 of this appropriation shall be used to
support Smart Growth Economic Development Fund (One
Maryland) grants and loans contingent upon the enactment of
House Bill 1064


UA01                                  OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY


(A)    Maryland Water Quality Revolving Loan Fund. Provide funds
to finance water quality improvement projects. These funds
shall be administered in accordance with Section 9-1605 of the
Environment Article.......................................................................

(B)    Maryland Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund. Provide funds
to finance drinking water projects. These funds shall be
administered in accordance with Section 9-1605.1 of the
Environment Article.......................................................................

(C)    Hazardous Substance Cleanup Program. Provide funds for the
remediation of hazardous waste contaminated sites. These
funds shall be administered in accordance with Section 7-220 of
the Environment Article.................................................................



(A) Chesapeake Bay Water Quality Project Funds. Provide funds to
be credited to the Water Pollution Control Fund to be used for
projects to improve the water quality of the Chesapeake Bay
and other waters of the State. These funds shall be
administered for the purposes listed below in accordance with
Sections 9-345 through 9-351 of the Environment Article:

(1) To provide not more than $23,500,000 $20,500,000
$17,000,000 in grants for projects to remove nutrients at
publicly-owned sewage treatment works;—provided that
these funds may not be expended to implement Enhanced
Nutrient Removal projects at the State's 66 major







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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 1952   View pdf image
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