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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 177   View pdf image
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ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor                              Ch. 26

corporate rights of an institution, or to prevent the receiving of minors under such
limitations, or for such definite periods as any institution may by its regulations
direct or prescribe.]

REVISOR'S NOTE: This section is obsolete law that has been superseded by
other provisions. The Review Committee, in consultation with the Office of
the Attorney General, has determined that it should be repealed.


It shall not be lawful for any railroad company doing business in this State to
withhold any part of the wages of its employees for the benefit of any relief
association or the members thereof. Any railroad company violating the provisions of
this section shall upon conviction be fined not less than fifty ($50) dollars, nor more
than five hundred ($500) dollars for each and every offense.]

REVISOR'S NOTE: This section is obsolete law that has been superseded by
provisions of federal law. The Review Committee, in consultation with the
Office of the Attorney General, has determined that it should be repealed.

Article 36 - Fees of Officers



All accounts for officers' fees shall be made out in a fair and clear manner and in
words at length; and whenever any person interested in them, or to whom the same
shall be charged shall require a copy of such account, the several officers herein
named shall, in as short a time as may be convenient, give him an account of such
charges in words at length.]


No charge for officers' fees shall be paid or allowed by the county commissioners
aforesaid in any criminal case where jurisdiction to try, hear and determine the
matter charged against the party accused has been conferred by law upon the District
Court, but the county commissioners may levy or pay to the officers performing
service in such cases such compensation as they in their discretion may deem right
and proper. This section shall apply only to the counties of Caroline, Kent, Queen
Anne's, Talbot, Prince George's, Charles and Harford.]


No officer, under the penalty of five hundred dollars, shall send out his fees on
execution more than once in every year between the first day of January and the first
day of May; but in Baltimore City any officer may send out his fees on execution at
any time during the year.]


If any officer shall, by himself, his deputies, agents, or clerks, charge, receive,
ask or demand any larger or greater fees than are allowed by this article, he shall for

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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 177   View pdf image
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