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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 1698   View pdf image
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Special Fund Appropriation...........................

Federal Fund Appropriation..........................

M00Q01.05 Office of Planning, Development and

General Fund Appropriation.........................

Federal Fund Appropriation..........................

M00Q01.06 Kidney Disease Treatment Services

General Fund Appropriation.........................

Special Fund Appropriation...........................

M00Q01.07 Maryland Children's Health

General Fund Appropriation, provided that
no part of this general fund appropriation
may be paid to any physician or surgeon
or any hospital, clinic, or other medical
facility for or in connection with the
performance of any abortion, except upon
certification by a physician or surgeon,
based upon his or her professional
judgment that the procedure is necessary,
provided one of the following conditions
exists: where continuation of the
pregnancy is likely to result in the death
of the woman; or where the woman is a
victim of rape, sexual offense, or incest
which has been reported to a law
enforcement agency or a public health or
social agency; or where it can be
ascertained by the physician with a
reasonable degree of medical certainty
that the fetus is affected by genetic defect
or serious deformity or abnormality; or
where it can be ascertained by the
physician with a reasonable degree of
medical certainty that termination of
pregnancy is medically necessary because
there is substantial risk that continuation
of the pregnancy could have a serious and
adverse effect on the woman's present or










Ch. 429

- 1698 -


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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 1698   View pdf image
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