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Session Laws, 2004
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Ch. 25                                     2004 LAWS OF MARYLAND


(a)     A [certificate of qualification] LICENSE expires at the end of every other
June 30 unless it is renewed for a 2-year term as provided in this section.

(b)     At least 1 month before a [certificate of qualification] LICENSE expires,
the Commissioner shall mail to the holder of the [certificate of qualification]
LICENSE, at the last known address of the holder:

(1)     a renewal application form; and

(2)     a notice that states:

(i) the date by which the Commissioner must receive the renewal
application for the renewal to be issued and mailed before the [certificate of
qualification] LICENSE expires; and

(ii) the amount of the renewal fee.

(c)      Before a [certificate of qualification] LICENSE expires, the holder of the
[certificate of qualification] LICENSE may renew it for an additional 2-year term, if
the holder:

(1)     otherwise is entitled to a [certificate of qualification] LICENSE;

(2)     files with the Commissioner a renewal application on the form that
the Commissioner provides; and

(3)     pays to the Commissioner the renewal fee required by § 2-112 of this

(d)     An application for renewal of a [certificate of qualification] LICENSE shall
be considered made in a timely manner if it is postmarked on or before June 30 of the
year of renewal.

(e)     (1) The Commissioner shall renew the [certificate of qualification]
LICENSE of each holder who meets the requirements of this section.

(2) If the holder of a [certificate of qualification] LICENSE files an
application for renewal before the [certificate of qualification] LICENSE expires, the
[certificate of qualification] LICENSE shall remain in effect until:

(i) the Commissioner issues a renewal [certificate of qualification]

(ii) 5 days after the Commissioner refuses in writing to renew the
[certificate of qualification] LICENSE and serves notice of the refusal on the holder.


Error: Obsolete language in § 10-408 of the Insurance Article.

Occurred: As a result of Ch. 731, Acts of 2001.

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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 150   View pdf image
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