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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 1372   View pdf image
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Ch. 377


(v) a crime that relates to burning or attempting to burn property
as part of a religious or ethnic crime under § 10-303 or § 10-304 of the Criminal Law

(vi) a crime that relates to interference, obstruction, or false
representation of fire and safety personnel under § 6-602 or § 7-402 of the Public
Safety Article; and

(vii) threatening arson or attempting, causing, aiding, counseling, or
procuring arson in the first or second degree or malicious burning in the first or
second degree under Title 6, Subtitle 1 of the Criminal Law Article.

(c)      (1) The State Fire Marshal or a full-time investigative and inspection
assistant in the Office of the State Fire Marshal may act under the authority granted
by § 2-102 of this title to police officers as provided under paragraph (2) of this

(2) When acting under the authority granted by § 2-102 of this title, the
State Fire Marshal or a full-time investigative and inspection assistant in the Office
of the State Fire Marshal has the powers of arrest set forth in §§ 2-202, 2-203, and
2-204 of this subtitle.

(d)     (1) The State Fire Marshal or a full-time investigative and inspection
assistant in the Office of the State Fire Marshal who acts under the authority granted
by this section shall notify the following persons of an investigation or enforcement

(i) 1. the chief of police, if any, or chief's designee, when in a
municipal corporation;

2.       the Police Commissioner or Police Commissioner's
designee, when in Baltimore City;

3.       the chief of police or chief's designee, when in a county
with a county police department, except Baltimore City;

4.       the sheriff or sheriff's designee, when in a county without
a county police department;

5.       the Secretary of Natural Resources or Secretary's
designee, when on property owned, leased, operated by, or under the control of the
Department of Natural Resources; or

6.       the respective chief of police or chief's designee, when on
property owned, leased, operated by, or under the control of the Maryland
Transportation Authority, Maryland Aviation Administration, or Maryland Port
Administration; and

(ii) the Department of State Police barrack commander or
commander's designee, unless there is an agreement otherwise with the Department
of State Police.

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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 1372   View pdf image
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