Functions that were transferred to Department of Permitting Services,
extension of date for reversion to department that originally
administered the function ....................................................................... 5932
Funeral parlor or undertaking establishment, allowed as special
exception use in Rural Density Transfer (RDT) zone under certain
circumstances ........................................................................................... 5934
Moderately Priced Dwelling Units -
Requirements for building altered ......................................................... 5919
Requirements in Central Business District, Planned Unit
Development, and Transit Station Development Area zones, revised 5931
RE-2C zone, group picnic, catering, and recreation facility permitted as
a special exception ................................................................................... 5935
Research and Development (R&D) zone, maximum density calculation,
exemption of any portion of a floor used to house mechanical
equipment, provisions added .................................................................. 5935
Telecommunication equipment building, size restrictions altered .......... 5931
Prince George's County -
Program Planning and Economic Development, Department of, obsolete
provisions repealed.................................................................................. 5939
Queen Anne's County -
Chesapeake Bay Critical Area, redesignation of approximately five acres
from Limited Development Area (LDA) to Intense Development Area
(IDA) ......................................................................................................... 5859
Interim Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance —
Adopted ..................................................................................................... 5858
Amended; Technical Review Committee established ............................ 5858
Talbot County -
Boat and marine equipment sales and assembly including outdoor
commercial storage and sales, and vehicle and boat parking and
storage (commercial), zoning use provisions altered............................. 5944
Farm tenant labor housing, zoning provisions for additional units,
added ......................................................................................................... 5944
Riding stables and trails and horse boarding (commercial), added as
special exception use in Town Residential (TR) zoning district ........... 5946
Rural Agricultural Conservation (RAC) zone, off-road outdoor
recreation (public or private) added as special exception use .............. 5942
Short term rental property, registration and licensing requirements
added; Short-Term Rental Review Board created ................................ 5942
Stormwater management, provisions generally revised .......................... 5944
Uses permitted by zoning district, definition of "building supplies", use
of "building supply and lumber yards with outside storage", and
planning officer's and Planning Commission's review authority
relating to application for site plan review, provisions clarified .......... 5943
Wireless communication towers, zoning provisions altered ..................... 5945
Wicomico County -
Critical area resource protection, provisions generally revised............... 5947
Critical areas, special buffer areas delineated on official maps .............. 5948
Family burial ground permitted as special exception use in A-1
Agriculture/Rural District ....................................................................... 5946
Franklin O. Tingle Farm Historic District created as an overlay of
existing zoning districts .......................................................................... 5947
- 6033 -