Pay schedules for classified and exempt service employees, minimum
qualifications, pay grades, class titles, longevity, placement on pay
scale, and benefits, personnel provisions altered .................................. 5876
Baltimore County -
Classification and Compensation Plans -
Fire chief class titles, provisions altered ............................................... 5887
High tree trimmer and CountyRide driver, provisions altered and
added ..................................................................................................... 5904
County council, salary increased ................................................................ 5894
County executive, salary increased ............................................................ 5894
Military leave and pay for county employees, provisions altered ........... 5905
Personnel pay schedules, job classification titles and grades,
compensation plan rules and regulations, fire department employee
probationary period and sick leave, and police and fire department
promotion eligibility lists, provisions altered ........................................ 5892
Frederick -
Aldermen, salary increased ........................................................................ 5807
Mayor, salary increased .............................................................................. 5807
Howard County -
Compensation Review Commission, terms, duties, and meeting
procedures established ............................................................................ 5913
Supplemental pay for county employees involuntarily called to active
military duty, provisions added .............................................................. 5916
Kensington, town employee compensation, determination by ordinance
passed by council, provisions repealed ...................................................... 5831
Kent County -
Jurors attending circuit court, supplemental per diem payment,
provisions added ...................................................................................... 5856
Montgomery County -
Merit System Protection Board, salary of members increased;
Washington Suburban Transit Commission member from the county
who is also a member or alternate of Washington Metropolitan Area
Transit Authority, salary increased ........................................................ 5916
Prince George's County -
Court system, various provisions revised and repealed to conform to
State law and Maryland Rules of Procedure ......................................... 5937
Emergency response technicians who were former volunteer firefighters
or emergency medical technicians, salary credit upon initial
appointment to career position, altered ................................................. 5936
Princess Anne, president and commissioners, salary increased ................. 5840
Salisbury (Wicomico County) - -
Annexation....................................................................................................... 5844
Bond indebtedness limitation, provisions altered ........................................ 5844
Property tax rate, provisions altered ............................................................. 5844
Sanitary Districts - -
Harford County -
Joppatowne Sanitary Subdistrict, enlarged .............................................. 5907
Worcester County -
Sanitary services, definition expanded to include provision of water for
fire protection as determined by county commissioners....................... 5861
- 6018 -