Commercial recreational facilities, amusement parks, and racetracks,
zoning provisions altered ........................................................................ 5882
Baltimore County -
Motorized scooters, operation on public roads or sidewalks prohibited .. 5896
Montgomery County -
County Recreation Board and the recreation area advisory boards,
membership and duties, provisions altered ........................................... 5928
RE-2C zone, group picnic, catering, and recreation facility permitted as
a special exception ................................................................................... 5935
Talbot County -
Golf Board, established; Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, Director
of Parks and Recreation, and Director of Golf Operations, provisions
altered ....................................................................................................... 5942
Riding stables and trails and horse boarding (commercial), added as
special exception use in Town Residential (TR) zoning district ........... 5946
Rural Agricultural Conservation (RAC) zone, off-road outdoor
recreation (public or private) added as special exception use .............. 5942
Wicomico County -
School improvement program and other public capital improvements,
county bond funds for .............................................................................. 5946
Worcester County -
Parking requirement for amenity areas incidental to a residential
development, provisions added.............................................................. 5861
Recycling —
Anne Arundel County -
Solid waste acceptance facilities, special exception requirements for
certain facilities, zoning provisions altered........................................... 5875
Montgomery County -
Construction debris reclamation facility, zoning and permitting
provisions added ...................................................................................... 5933
Redistricting SEE Reapportionment
Referendum —
Bel Air, bond resolution publication requirement for bond referendums,
provisions altered ........................................................................................ 5792
Greenbelt, technical correction made to referendum provisions ................. 5810
Havre de Grace, sale or conveyance of city-owned real estate, provisions
for approval by mayor and city council, referendum, and public notice,
altered .......................................................................................................... 5814
Refuse Disposal - -
Allegany County -
Zoning provisions for solid waste processing/resource recovery facility,
solid waste transfer stations, and cellular, relay, repeating and
transmitting tower removal, added ........................................................ 5854
Anne Arundel County -
Incinerators deleted as permitted use in W3 zoning districts ................. 5877
Solid waste acceptance facilities, special exception requirements for
certain facilities, zoning provisions altered ........................................ 5875
Montgomery County -
Construction debris reclamation facility, zoning and permitting
provisions added ...................................................................................... 5933
Registers of Wills - -
Prince George's County —
- 6014 -