Queen Anne's County —
Chesapeake Bay critical area, redesignation of approximately five acres
from Limited Development Area (LDA) to Intense Development Area
(IDA) ............................................................................................................. 5859
Interim Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance -
Adopted ........................................................................................................ 5858
Amended; Technical Review Committee established................................ 5858
Limited electricians, licensing and examination, provisions added............ 5859
Plumbers and Plumbing -
Homeowner installation of appliances, appointment of plumbing
inspector, and penalties, provisions altered........................................... 5858
Installation and testing of backflow testing devices and appointment of
plumbing inspector, provisions altered .................................................. 5858
Stormwater management requirements and procedures, provisions
generally revised.......................................................................................... 5859
Rabies —
Baltimore County -
Animal control and rabies control, provisions revised and altered ......... 5897
Prince George's County -
Animal control ordinance, generally revised ............................................. 5938
Racing —
Anne Arundel County -
Commercial recreational facilities, amusement parks, and racetracks,
zoning provisions altered ........................................................................ 5882
Worcester County —
Fairgrounds and racetracks, on-site housing for owners or employees,
zoning provisions added .......................................................................... 5862
Real Estate —
Baltimore County —
Code revision, Article 35 (Buildings and Housing), added ....................... 5889
Howard County -
Consumer protection provisions for new home contract of sale and motor
vehicle towing from private property and storage of vehicle, altered . 5914
Montgomery County -
Human Rights Commission and Office of Human Rights, names
changed from Human Relations Commission and Office of Human
Relations. Commission, respectively; discrimination complaint and
decision procedures altered ..................................................................... 5919
Sale of real property, disclosure of historic designation, requirements
added ......................................................................................................... 5925
Real Property —
Hampstead, power of council to acquire and convey real property,
provisions altered ........................................................................................ 5813
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