Public Information —
Anne Arundel County -
Stormwater management, provisions generally revised .......................... 5880
Baltimore County -
Public buildings, public notice of construction when development is
exempt from development review and approval process requirements,
requirements added ................................................................................. 5888
College Park, closed session council meetings, matters permitted to be
addressed during, provisions altered ......................................................... 5801
Hurlock, council special meetings, open meetings, and closed meetings,
provisions altered ........................................................................................ 5826
Mountain Lake Park, council, open meeting provisions altered ................. 5833
New Market, council, open meeting provisions altered ............................... 5834
North East, board of commissioners, open meeting provisions altered ...... 5836
Public Local Laws SEE Laws and Ordinances
Public Officials - -
SEE ALSO County Commissioners; County Councils; County Executives;
Allegany County -
County investigator, discipline and discharge for cause, provisions
altered ....................................................................................................... 5854
Annapolis, salary and expense allowance provisions for mayor and
aldermen, altered ........................................................................................ 5791
Anne Arundel County -
County attorney required to serve as resident agent for county ............. 5879
Housing Commission, financial disclosure statement requirements for
commissioners and executive director, provisions altered .................... 5870
Baltimore County -
County council, salary increased ................................................................ 5894
County executive, salary increased ............................................................ 5894
Bowie, councilperson election districts altered; electoral system changed
from at-large to partly at-large and partly single-member districts .... 5793
Cambridge —
Clerk—treasurer, supervision of, provisions altered .................................. 5794
Mayor, powers and duties, provisions altered ........................................... 5795
Cheverly -
Councilmember prohibited from being a nonelected employee of the
town .......................................................................................................... 5798
Enactment of ordinances and resolutions at any public meeting of mayor
and town council, provisions added ........................................................ 5798
Mayor prohibited from being a nonelected employee of the town ........... 5798
Vacancy in office of mayor or councilmember when officeholder becomes
unqualified to hold office, provisions altered ........................................ 5799
Work sessions of mayor and town council, provisions added ................... 5797
College Park, closed session council meetings, matters permitted to be
addressed during, provisions altered ......................................................... 5801
Cumberland -
Mayor and Councilmen -
Election date and term of office, provisions altered; resignation of
councilman upon filing for candidacy for mayor, provisions altered . 5802
Primary election and filing for candidacy, time and date provisions
altered ................................................................................................... 5801
- 6009 -