Anne Arundel County -
Animal control, provisions for dangerous animals, impoundment,
licenses, and penalties, altered ............................................................... 5877
Stormwater management, provisions generally revised .......................... 5880
Baltimore County -
Menacing animals and dangerous animals, citations, penalties, spaying
and neutering requirements, and appeals, provisions added and
amended.................................................................................................... 5891
Motorized scooters, operation on public roads or sidewalks prohibited .. 5896
Caroline County -
Stormwater management requirements and procedures, provisions
generally revised...................................................................................... 5855
Chesapeake City, voter qualifications, prohibited conduct related to
elections and voting, and penalties, provisions altered ............................ 5795
Federalsburg, fines and penalties for misdemeanors and municipal
infractions, provisions altered .................................................................... 5806
Howard County -
Consumer protection provisions for new home contract of sale and motor
vehicle towing from private property and storage of vehicle, altered . 5914
Grading and sediment and erosion control, provisions for permitting,
inspection, and enforcement generally revised...................................... 5910
Tobacco product distribution to minors, prohibited .................................. 5911
Montgomery County -
Human Rights Commission and Office of Human Rights, names
changed from Human Relations Commission and Office of Human
Relations Commission, respectively; discrimination complaint and
decision procedures altered ..................................................................... 5919
Prince George's County -
Animal control ordinance, generally revised ............................................. 5938
Tobacco product distribution to minors, prohibited; placement of tobacco
products in location inaccessible to buyer without intervention of
seller, required ......................................................................................... 5940
Queen Anne's County -
Plumbers and plumbing, homeowner installation of appliances,
appointment of plumbing inspector, and penalties, provisions altered . 5858
Talbot County -
Stormwater management, provisions generally revised .......................... 5944
Tobacco products offered for sale, restrictions on storage, placement, and
accessibility to buyer, provisions added ................................................. 5943
Wicomico County -
Cable systems, regulations for operation of, established ......................... 5947
Housing standards, provisions generally revised ..................................... 5948
Pension Systems SEE Retirement Systems
Permits SEE Building Permits; Licenses
Perryville (Cecil County) —
Annexation....................................................................................................... 5838
Personal Property - -
Allegany County -
Manufacturing personal property, tax rate altered .................................. 5853
Anne Arundel County -
Tax credit for personal property located in a foreign trade zone,
provisions added...................................................................................... 5885
- 6002 -