Code revision, Article 35 (Buildings and Housing), added ....................... 5889
Security alarms, false alarm fee schedule and appeal procedure, and
registration requirements, provisions altered ....................................... 5902
Montgomery County -
Landlord-Tenant Affairs, Commission on, qualifications for membership
altered ....................................................................................................... 5923
Tenant Displacement Law -
Application to multifamily dwellings containing fewer units, right of
first refusal, and relocation assistance and notice to displaced
tenants, provisions altered .................................................................. 5929
Termination date extended ..................................................................... 5922
Prince George's County -
Tenant property removed under warrant of restitution, placement in
public right-of-way prohibited, and disposal by landlord required .... 5936
Laurel (Prince George's County) —
Annexation....................................................................................................... 5832
Law Enforcement —
Anne Arundel County -
Development impact fees, fee schedule revised; fee and special fund
added for public safety facilities; computation, credits, expenditures,
reports, and review and adjustment, provisions altered ...................... 5886
Fire and Police Service Retirement Plans, transfer of service credit,
provisions added ...................................................................................... 5865
Baltimore County -
Code enforcement, administrative process for, provisions altered .......... 5902
Personnel pay schedules, job classification titles and grades,
compensation plan rules and regulations, fire department employee
probationary period and sick leave, and police and fire department
promotion eligibility lists, provisions altered ........................................ 5892
Police and fire department members, accidental disability benefits,
provisions altered ..................................................................................... 5903
Police officers and firefighters, retirement benefits and substitute
beneficiaries, provisions altered ............................................................. 5904
Federalsburg, fines and penalties for misdemeanors and municipal
infractions, provisions altered .................................................................... 5806
Hampstead, chief of police, appointment and removal, provisions altered . 5813
Havre de Grace -
Chief of police, duties and organization, provisions amended ................. 5816
Police department, establishment, and appointment and tenure of chief
of police, provisions amended ................................................................. 5816
Police officers, powers and duties, provisions amended ........................... 5816
Howard County -
Dispatch services, responsibility transferred to Police Department;
responsibility for records management transferred to Department of
Technology and Communications Services ............................................ 5916
Police officers, pension plan provisions for required contributions,
retirement eligibility, and benefits, altered ........................................... 5911
Prince George's County -
Complaints against county law enforcement officers, responsibilities of
Citizen Complaint Oversight Panel, chief of police, and Human
Relations Commission, provisions amended .......................................... 5940
- 5992 -