Rest homes, added as special exception permitted use in R-2 Suburban
Residential District .................................................................................. 5863
Attorneys —
Anne Arundel County -
County attorney required to serve as resident agent for county............. 5879
Montgomery County -
Landlord-Tenant Affairs, Commission on, qualifications for membership
altered ....................................................................................................... 5923
Auditors and Audits —
Havre de Grace, annual city audit, provisions altered .................................5818
Automobiles SEE Motor Vehicles
Automotive Repair —
Montgomery County -
Automobile repair and service, allowed as permitted use in Employment
Area Overlay Zone .................................................................................. 5934
Aviation SEE Aircraft
Ballots —
Cumberland, order of candidate names on official ballots, provisions
repealed ........................................................................................................ 5803
Hurlock, absentee ballots, provisions altered ............................................... 5827
Baltimore County —
Animal control and rabies control, provisions revised and altered............ 5897
Body piercing of minors, parental consent requirement added .................. 5894
Bond issuance authorization ordinances, adoption process clarified.......... 5888
Bowleys Quarters and Back River Neck areas growth management plan,
zoning regulations renumbered and nonsubstantive changes made;
corresponding changes made in citing zoning regulations, code, and laws 5890
Building Code -
Changed from Basic Building Code to International Building Code ...... 5900
New code adopted ........................................................................................ 5900
Classification and Compensation Plans -
Fire chief class titles, provisions altered ................................................... 5887
High tree trimmer and CountyRide driver, provisions altered and added 5904
Code enforcement, administrative process for, provisions altered............. 5902
Code Revision -
Article 18 (Transportation), added ............................................................. 5898
Article 34 (Water and Sewers), added ........................................................ 5890
Article 35 (Buildings and Housing), added ............................................... 5889
Article 4 (Development), added.................................................................. 5901
County council, salary increased ................................................................... 5894
County executive, salary increased ............................................................... 5894
Death benefits for eligible Employee Retirement System beneficiaries
receiving an accidental disability allowance, provisions added ..........5887
Development Plans -
Testimony on impact of other approved development plans on plan that
is subject of a hearing, provisions added ............................................... 5895
- 5958 -