Animal control ordinance, generally revised ............................................. 5938
Talbot County -
Riding stables and trails and horse boarding (commercial), added as
special exception use in Town Residential (TR) zoning district ........... 5946
Annapolis (Anne Arundel County) —
Mayor and aldermen, salary and expense allowance provisions altered ... 5791
Anne Arundel County —
Adequate facilities requirements, waiver procedures added ....................... 5866
Adequate public school facility requirements, subdivision provisions
amended ....................................................................................................... 5882
Animal control, provisions for dangerous animals, impoundment, licenses,
and penalties, altered .................................................................................. 5877
Annapolis, London Town, and South County Heritage Area Management
Plan ("Heritage Area Management Plan"), amended and added to
documents used to guide future land development and location of public
services and facilities .................................................................................. 5876
Annapolis, salary and expense allowance provisions for mayor and
aldermen, altered ........................................................................................ 5791
Bay Ridge Special Community Benefit District, purposes modified;
responsibility for expenditure administration, provisions added ............ 5868
Bittersweet Special Community Benefit District, established .................... 5874
Board of Appeals, rules of practice and procedure, amended...................... 5871
Bond indebtedness limitation, provisions altered ........................................ 5880
Broadneck Small Area Plan, amended and added to documents used to
guide future land development and location of public services and
facilities ........................................................................................................ 5883
Chartwell Special Community Benefit District, purposes modified ........... 5872
Classified service, leave provisions altered .................................................. 5886
Code supplement legalized ............................................................................. 5869
Commercial recreational facilities, amusement parks, and racetracks,
zoning provisions altered ............................................................................ 5882
County attorney required to serve as resident agent for county ................ 5879
Crofton Small Area Plan, amended and added to documents used to guide
future land development and location of public services and facilities ... 5865
Deale/Shady Side Small Area Plan, amended and added to documents
used to guide future land development and location of public services
and facilities ................................................................................................. 5873
Development impact fees, fee schedule revised; fee and special fund added
for public safety facilities; computation, credits, expenditures, reports,
and review and adjustment, provisions altered ........................................ 5886
Employees subject to public ethics requirements, Department of Social
Services and Sheriffs Office employees deleted; Housing Commission,
Board of License Commissioners, and Ethics Commission members and
employees added .......................................................................................... 5885
Fire and Police Service Retirement Plans, transfer of service credit,
provisions added .......................................................................................... 5865
Fire Department employees, pay schedules, pay increases, and work week
schedule designations, provisions altered ................................................. 5869
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