Abandoned Property —
Prince George's County -
Tenant property removed under warrant of restitution, placement in
public right-of-way prohibited, and disposal by landlord required .... 5936
Aberdeen (Harford County) —
Annexation...................................................................................................... 5791
Absentee Voting SEE Voting
Administrative Agencies —
Havre de Grace -
Administration, Department of, establishment; appointment and tenure
of director of administration, provisions added ..................................... 5823
Economic Development and Planning, Department of, establishment;
appointment and tenure of director of the Economic Development and
Planning Department, provisions added................................................ 5819
Finance, Department of, establishment; appointment and tenure of
director of finance, provisions added..................................................... 5818
Public Works, Department of, establishment; appointment and tenure of
director of public works, provisions amended ....................................... 5817
Howard County —
Dispatch services, responsibility transferred to Police Department;
responsibility for records management transferred to Department of
Technology and Communications Services ............................................ 5916
Housing and Community Development, Department of, created; Office
of Housing and Community Development, abolished; mobile home
developments required to comply with procedures for sale or rental of
moderate income housing units.............................................................. 5915
Montgomery County —
Animal Services Division, name changed from Division of Animal
Control and Humane Treatment; phrase "animal control shelter"
changed to "animal shelter" .................................................................... 5917
Discrimination in public accommodations, application of prohibitions to
public conveyances, utilities, public rights-of-way, parking, marinas,
airports, and hangars, and to government agencies and services,
provisions clarified................................................................................... 5930
Functions that were transferred to Department of Permitting Services,
extension of date for reversion to department that originally
administered the function....................................................................... 5932
Human Rights Commission and Office of Human Rights, names
changed from Human Relations Commission and Office of Human
Relations Commission, respectively; discrimination complaint and
decision procedures altered ..................................................................... 5919
Prince George's County -
Emergency management and civil defense, provisions amended to be
consistent with language used in State law; name of Office of Civil
Defense changed to Office of Emergency Management........................ 5941
Program Planning and Economic Development, Department of, obsolete
provisions repealed .................................................................................. 5939
Aged SEE Elderly Persons
Agents and Brokers —
- 5951 -