Title 21 - Motor Vehicles and Traffic
Baltimore County Code, 1988, as amended
BY renumbering
Sections 21-4 through 21-14, respectively,
to be Sections 21-5 through 21-15, respectively
Title 21 - Motor Vehicles and Traffic
Baltimore County Code, 1988, as amended
Bill No. 63-01
AN ACT concerning
Animal Control - Rabies Control
FOR the purpose of authorizing the animal control division to take certain actions in
the case of a bite contact or non-bite contact between an animal and a human,
including: requiring confinement, requiring certain veterinary tests under
certain circumstances, authorizing euthanasia and testing for rabies under
certain circumstances, providing for enforcement, and requiring the owner to
pay certain costs; providing for disposition of an animal exposed to a rabid
animal or to an animal suspected of having rabies; providing that an owner who
fails to provide certain proof of the vaccination of an animal is subject to certain
civil and criminal penalties; authorizing the animal control division to waive the
civil penalty under certain circumstances; amending the definition of a public
nuisance animal; defining ferrets as a domestic animal for regulatory purposes
and requiring that ferrets be vaccinated; repealing a certain exemption from the
licensing of farm cats; repealing a certain provision regarding a bird sanctuary
in the county; altering a certain method of appraising livestock attacked by a
dog; clarifying the procedure for appealing a decision of the animal hearing
board to the board of appeals; repealing certain obsolete provisions; making
certain technical and stylistic changes; defining certain terms; and generally
relating to rabies and animal control.
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Sections 6-1, 6-2(c), 6-3, 6-9(a), 6-12, 6-13, 6-14(a) and (b), 6-15(a) and (b),
6-16, 6-41, 6-42, 6-43, 6-65(d)(6), 6-113(d), 6-148, 6-154(a) and (b)(1),
6-176, 6-203(c), 6-231(d), 6-256, and 6-259(a)
Title 6. Animals
Baltimore County Code, 1988
BY repealing
Sections 6-11, 6-17, 6-111(c), and 6-177
Title 6. Animals
Baltimore County Code, 1988
BY adding
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