Revenue Stabilization Reserve Account
FOR the purpose of increasing the required balance in the Revenue Stabilization
Reserve Account; specifying the time for the transfer of funds to the account;
requiring certain interest and investment income to be credited to the account;
and generally relating to the management and administration of the Revenue
Stabilization Reserve Account.
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments
Section 15-287
Title 15 - Finance
Baltimore County Code, 1988
Bill No. 46-01
AN ACT concerning
Development Plan Approval
FOR the purpose of authorizing the receipt of testimony or evidence regarding the
impact of other proposed approved development plans on a development plan
which is the subject of a hearing before the hearing officer; and generally
relating to the development plan approval process.
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments
Section 26-206(a)
Title 26 - Planning, Zoning and Subdivision Control
Baltimore County Code, 1988
Bill No. 53-01
AN ACT concerning
Stormwater Management - Conformance With New State Law
FOR the purpose of conforming county stormwater management law with changes in
state law; altering certain references to state law and state departments;
altering the application of stormwater management requirements; altering
certain provisions for waivers and variances; establishing certain minimum
control requirements; altering certain requirements regarding stormwater
management plans; altering certain requirements regarding permits; altering
certain inspection requirements; altering certain requirements regarding
maintenance responsibility and inspection; authorizing the establishment of
establishing a Stormwater Management Fund; defining certain terms; repealing
certain definitions; making stylistic changes; providing for a specific effective
date; and generally relating to the law of stormwater management.
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments
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