Article 12, § 6-101
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
BY renumbering the following titles and sections of Article 12 as follows:
§§ 1-101(33) to be § 1-101(32); Title 5 and §§ 5-101 through 5-111 to be Title 6
and §§ 6-101 through 6-111; § 6-101 to be § 7-102; Title 6 and §§ 6-102
through 6-113 to be Title 7 and §§ 7-103 through 7-114; Title 7 and §§
7-101 through 7-107 to be Title 8 and §§ 8-101 through 8-107; Title 8 and
§§ 8-101 and 8-102 to be Title 9 and §§ 9-101 and 9-102, and 8-104
through 8-113 to be 9-103 through 9-112, respectively
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
BY adding:
Article 12, §§ 1-101(7A), (14), and (27A); §§ 4-101 through 4-104 4-103 to be
under the new title, "Title 4. Public Safety"; §§ 5-101 through 5-105 to be
under the new title, "Title 5. Impoundment of Animals"; 7-101; and §§
10-101 to be under the new title, "Title 10. Penalties"
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
Bill No. 42-01
AN ORDINANCE concerning:
Zoning - Group Homes
FOR the purpose of adding certain words to a provision in the group homes provision
in the Zoning Article which were inadvertently omitted from Bill No. 20-01
when it was adopted; and repealing a certain provision to comply with federal
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments:
Article 28, § 10-l22(b)(3), as amended by Bill No. 20-01
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
BY repealing:
Article 28, § 10-122(c)
Anne Arundel County Code (1985. as amended)
Bill No. 43-01
Code Supplements - Legalizing
FOR the purpose of legalizing Supplement No. 59, 3-01, to the Anne Arundel County
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