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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 5566   View pdf image
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INDEX Chapter Page
Motor vehicle dealers, definition of "dealer" altered in licensing
provisions; licensing violation penalties increased ...................... Nursing home closures, civil monetary penalty for violation of
notice requirements, provisions added......................................... Obscenity and sexual displays, violations involving minors or
display for advertising purposes, penalties altered; use of a
minor to display or sell obscene item to a minor, prohibition
altered............................................................................................. Oyster sanctuary or reserve, penalty for unlawfully taking oysters
from, provisions added ................................................................... Pepper mace, prohibition on possession by minors, repealed;
school policies to limit or prohibit possession on school property, Personal identifying information, fraudulent use of, prohibitions
and penalties expanded; law enforcement and court jurisdiction
provisions, altered .......................................................................... Physician assistants, scope of practice responsibilities, delegation
agreements, certification, and liability of Board of Physician
Quality Assurance for actions regarding delegation agreements,
provisions altered and added ........................................................ Private detectives, security systems technicians, and security
guards, licensing, certification, and registration process altered,
including provisions for term, renewal, fees, confidentiality of
records, bonding, insurance, and display of identification card
by security guard ............................................................................ Radiation oncology/therapy technologists, medical radiation
technologists, and nuclear medicine technologists, certification
provisions added; Radiation Oncology/Therapy Technology,
Medical Radiation Technology, and Nuclear Medicine
Technology Advisory Committee, established .............................. Railroad vehicle or property, trespass prohibited ........................... Rape or sexual offense in the first degree, penalty of imprisonment
for life without the possibility of parole for offenders who were
previously convicted of either crime, provisions added ............... Rape or sexual offense in the second degree, third degree sexual
offense, or attempted second degree rape or sexual offense,
penalty of up to life imprisonment for persons with prior
convictions for first or second degree rape or sexual offense,
provisions added............................................................................. Sexual abuse of a minor, crime established and registration of
offenders required; crime of child abuse, provisions altered Sexual conduct with a child, continuing course of, crime
established...................................................................................... Sexual offender and other offender registration, definition of
"sexually violent offense" and "sexually violent predator",
altered; enrollment or employment of offender at institution of
higher education, notice and penalty provisions added; change of
address notice, penalty provisions added ..................................... Shell eggs, standards, labeling, regulations, and penalties,
47 45
224 571 509 374 517 373
335 187 266
278 194
1127 1123
1873 4225 3921 2990 3937 2969
2853 1690 2062
2108 1708
- 5566 -

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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 5566   View pdf image
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