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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 5402   View pdf image
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INDEX Chapter Page
Amendments to increase special, federal, or higher education fund
appropriations, or to make reimbursable fund transfers from the
Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention, restrictions
added ............................................................................................... Budget Analysis, Office of, appropriation to.................................... Budget for fiscal year 2003............................................................... Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act, to effect fund transfers,
withdraw prior year appropriations, increase revenues, and
make other provisions to ensure a balanced budget .................. Capital funds required to be budgeted in separate appropriation
level programs........................................................................... Capital projects, restrictions on use of general fund capital Collective bargaining agreement provisions, FY 2004 budget
expenditures to implement, requirements and restrictions Detail by "Statewide Subobject" classification, and other budget
data requirements, provisions added ............................................ Federal revenues supporting federal fund appropriations,
statement in executive budget books and supply of background
data to Department of Legislative Services, requirements added Forecast of impact of budget on the general fund, Transportation
Trust Fund, and higher education fund accounts, required , Information technology development projects, separate
identification and funding of major projects, budget Insurance Administration, appointment fees repealed; recoupment
of administrative costs for collecting insurance premium tax,
authorized; annual report and insurance industry assessments,
provisions altered; implementation of sunset recommendations, Maryland—National Capital Park and Planning Commission, park
police officers, collective bargaining binding arbitration
procedures established ................................................................... Maryland's Fiscal Structure, Commission on, established;
recommendations concerning funding needs for education,
transportation, and health care and inefficiencies and
improvement in State government services and operations,
required; report required ............................................................... Statewide subobjects for leave payout funds used when long-term
employees leave State service and for funds to be used for
reclassifications and hiring above the minimum for a
classification, creation required.................................................... Workers' Compensation Commission, advisory committee
established to review and report on annual proposed budget;
Workers' Compensation Fund established; calculation of tax on Building Codes
439 439 439 440 439 440 440 439
439 439
439 439 317 248 343 439 487
3298 3559 3549
3559 3559 3550
3543 3549
3543 3556 2779
1984 2893 3550 3855
- 5402 -

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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 5402   View pdf image
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