H.B. 153
Section 5-602; and 11-601(15), respectively
to be Section 5-6A-01 to be under the new subtitle "Subtitle 6A. Transportation
Cooperatives"; and 11-601(16), respectively
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1999 Replacement Volume and 2001 Supplement)
BY repealing
Chapter 179 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1976, as amended by
Chapter 604 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 2001
BY repealing
Article - Corporations and Associations
Section 5-601
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1999 Replacement Volume and 2001 Supplement)
BY adding to
Article - Corporations and Associations
Section 5-601 through 5-642, inclusive, to be under the amended subtitle
"Subtitle 6. Electric Cooperatives"; and 11-601(15)
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1999 Replacement Volume and 2001 Supplement)
BY adding to
Article — Public Utility Companies
Section 7-104
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1998 Volume and 2001 Supplement)
MARYLAND, That Section(s) 5-602; and 11-601(15), respectively, of Article -
Corporations and Associations of the Annotated Code of Maryland be renumbered to
be Section(s) 5-6A-01 to be under the new subtitle "Subtitle 6A. Transportation
Cooperatives"; and 11-601(16), respectively.
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That Chapter(s) 179 of the
Acts of the General Assembly of 1976, as amended by Chapter 604 of the Acts of the
General Assembly of 2001 be repealed.
SECTION 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the Laws of Maryland
read as follows:
Article - Corporations and Associations
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