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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 4654   View pdf image
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3-1505. (a) A respondent shall have an opportunity to be heard on the question of
whether the [court] JUDGE should issue a FINAL peace order. (b) (1) (i) The temporary peace order shall state the date and time of the
FINAL peace order hearing. (ii) Unless continued for good cause, the FINAL peace order hearing
shall be held no later than 7 days after the temporary peace order is served on the
respondent. (2) The temporary peace order shall include notice to the respondent: (i) In at least 10-point bold type, that if the respondent fails to
appear at the FINAL peace order hearing, the respondent may be served by first-class
mail at the respondent's last known address with the FINAL peace order and all other
notices concerning the FINAL peace order; (ii) Specifying all the possible forms of relief under subsection (d) of
this section that the FINAL peace order may contain; (iii) That the FINAL peace order shall be effective for the period
stated in the order, not to exceed 6 months; and (iv) In at least 10-point bold type, that the respondent must notify
the court in writing of any change of address. (c) (1) If the respondent appears for the FINAL peace order hearing, has
been served with [the] AN INTERIM PEACE ORDER OR A temporary peace order, or the
court otherwise has personal jurisdiction over the respondent, the [court] JUDGE: (i) May proceed with the FINAL peace order hearing; and (ii) If the [court] JUDGE finds by clear and convincing evidence
that the respondent has committed, and is likely to commit in the future, an act
specified in § 3-1503(a) of this subtitle against the petitioner, or if the respondent
consents to the entry of a peace order, the court may issue a FINAL peace order to
protect the petitioner. (2) A FINAL peace order may be issued only to an individual who has
filed a petition under § 3-1503 of this subtitle. (3) In cases where both parties file a petition under § 3-1503 of this
subtitle, the [court] JUDGE may issue mutual peace orders if the [court] JUDGE
finds by clear and convincing evidence that each party has committed, and is likely to
commit in the future, an act specified in § 3-1503(a) of this subtitle against the other
party. (d) (1) The FINAL peace order may include any or all of the following relief:
(i) Order the respondent to refrain from committing or threatening
to commit an act specified in § 3-1503(a) of this subtitle against the petitioner;
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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 4654   View pdf image
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