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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 4648   View pdf image
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SB. 501
binding on and does not affect any power or duty of a judge; making it a crime
subject to certain penalties to knowingly provide false information on a certain
eliminating the requirement that a hearing on a petition for a
temporary domestic violence order or a temporary peace order be ex parte;
authorizing a court to proceed with a protective order hearing or peace order
hearing under certain circumstances; authorizing the court to wave waive a
certain hearing under certain circumstances; making a violation of an interim
domestic violence order or interim peace order a crime subject to certain
penalties; requiring a law enforcement officer to arrest with or without a
warrant an individual who violates an interim domestic violence order or
interim peace order under certain circumstances; clarifying language; making
certain conforming changes; making this Act subject to a certain contingency;
defining certain terms; and generally relating to interim domestic violence
orders and interim peace orders. BY renumbering Article - Courts and Judicial Proceedings Section 2-607(d) and 3-1501(b), (c), (d), and (e), respectively to be Section 2-607(c)(5) and 3-1501(c), (f), (g), and (h), respectively Annotated Code of Maryland (1998 Replacement Volume and 2001 Supplement) BY renumbering Article - Family Law Section 4-501(e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), (l), (m), and (n), respectively
to be Section 4-501(f), (g), (i), (k), (1), (m), (n), (a), (q), and (r), respectively
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1999 Replacement Volume and 2001 Supplement) BY adding to Article — Courts and Judicial Proceedings Section 2-607(d), 3-1501(b), (d), (e), and (i), and 3-1503.1 Annotated Code of Maryland (1998 Replacement Volume and 2001 Supplement) BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Article - Courts and Judicial Proceedings Section 3-1503(a) and (c), 3-1504, 3-1505, 3-1506, 3-1507, and 3-1508, and
Annotated Code of Maryland (1998 Replacement Volume and 2001 Supplement) BY adding to Article - Family Law Section 4-501(e), (h), (j), and (p) and 4-504.1
- 4648 -

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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 4648   View pdf image
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