S.B. 493
Committee and the Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee
concerning the statue of on-going research and interim findings in accordance with §
2-1246 of the State Government Article.
(b) On or before December 1, 2004, the Department of Natural Resources shall
submit a final report to the Governor, the House Environmental Matters Committee
and the Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee concerning
the potentiality and feasibility of cultivating the species of oyster Crassostrea
ariakensis in Maryland waters in accordance with § 2-1246 of the State Government
(a) (1) The Department of Natural Resources shall authorize the study of
the Suminoe oyster (Crassostrea ariakensis) and other nonnative species by both
private and public research institutions with expertise in the field.
(2) The study required under paragraph (1) of this subsection shall:
(i) Include an analysis of the ecological benefits and risks
associated with the introduction of:
1. Reproductively capable nonnative oyster species in
Maryland waters, for purposes of fisheries restoration or any other purpose; and
2. Sterile nonnative species in Maryland, for purposes of the
development of aquaculture or any other purpose; and
(ii) Proceed in accordance with the findings of the National
Academy of Sciences review of the Suminoe oyster.
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of § 4-11A-02(a)(2) of the Natural
Resources Article, with prior approval of the Department, a person may engage in
research and experimentation in Maryland waters with live, nonnative oysters.
(4) The Department shall ensure that proper biosecurity measures, as
defined by the protocols of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea,
are followed in order to ensure to the greatest extent practicable that any research
the Department approves involving live, nonnative oysters in Maryland waters will
not result in the de facto introduction of a nonnative species.
(b) The Department shall also study the current condition and ongoing
viability of oysters native to Maryland waters and new measures to protect and
increase the overall health and survival rate of native oysters.
(c) The Department shall seek funding for, and develop a plan to implement,
the study required under this section.
(d) The Department shall submit to the Governor and, in accordance with §
2-1246 of the State Government Article, to the House Environmental Matters
Committee and the Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee:
(1) By December 1, 2002, an interim report on the status of ongoing
research and all interim findings available to the Department, including findings to
date of the National Academy of Sciences review of the Suminoe oyster; and
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